Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua] Realta Nua CG collection illustrations 命运之夜 全CG

最后更新:2024-03-04 02:02 出处:网络

型月当年老湿鸡系列... 以下是原说明: This is a collection of the illustrations you can find in Fate Stay Night and they are divided into 4 folders with each one representing a route. It’s not a raw dump. If ya want that extract the cg yourself. It’s a collection of the… unique cg for lack of better term. Stuff like Shirou hugging Sakura in Heavens Feel. It has H-scenes but after the H-scenes it also has the Realta Nua alternates and you can tell these apart if you see an Alternate at the end of the file name. Anyways its kinda useless but i like to be able to see the cg at any point. If I want to see that cg or send that cg Its in one place, atleast without wading thru all the cg in the game if you extracted it The common file system naming scheme is Fate_R03_HF_00_50
Breaking it down it means Fate_Route03_Heavens Feel_Picture50 another example is Fate_R03_HF_01_15 this means the same thing Fate_Route03_Heavens Feel_Picture115
this separates all the routes under a common file naming system so this name Fate_R02_UBW_00_58 would me Fate_Route02_Unlimited Blade Works_Picture58 sometimes youll see an extra name like Fate_R02_UBW_00_39_Baseball_Tohsaka. Don’t get too worried about it. It just describes the picture shown. Its the one with Rin playing baseball
the great thing about this file system is that if you put all the cg into 1 folder It would show up in chronological order from the first time you played it to the last time The cg is in chronological order so it goes from the first cg you see in that route to the last cg you see in that route. anyways its just my personally collection but someone suggested I upload it somewhere so Imma just put it here. average image size is 3200x2400. The collection also has the Openings for the routes with the ps2 and ps vita ones. Sorry for talking so long but yeah enjoy ig.
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